Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Wii Fit

I've had this game for awhile now, and I absolutely love it. I always put off writing about it. Me and my brother got it for my mother's birthday, but everyone can benefit off from it. It has yoga (yoga mat is separate), snowboarding, skate boarding, and aerobics. I was pretty excited when we bought this, and couldn't wait to try it out. The Wii Fit is for everyone who basically needs to get in shape, and you can cheat on here, but why would you want to? I admit I cheated the first couple of times. haha Only because I was out of shape. If anyone of you has a Wii or is thinking about getting a Wii, take Wii Fit into consideration! It's an awesome program and Nintendo has outdone itself dramatically. "Wii Fit takes the whole concept of games as exercise to a new level with the inclusion of a balance board peripheral that can tell you on the fly exactly how well--or how poorly--you're doing with its various activities." -Cnet

Original Article

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