I often reminisce. I think about my childhood, last holiday, when I first met my fiance. I find it comforting and special to have that place in my mind I can go to. I believe that memories are so important to making the person unique and building a person's character.
My fondest memory may be during my childhood and spending the evenings with my brothers and sisters, playing games, laughing and making random jokes. Obviously I am not alone when it comes to cherishing memories because there are a ton of blogs and internet articles written about memories and cherish the memories. I find that as I grow older and life gets more hectic, family time becomes a more luxurious commodity. It gets harder and harder to create those memories that I cherish so much and the memories I do have are even more precious.
An article I found on articledirectory.com, the author writes about the importance of memories and discusses how he enjoyed listening to his mom tells stories that she recalled from her own memories. He writes, "As I listened to her stories it was very easy to see the importance of memories that bring happiness and joy." He can see the joy in her eyes as she searches her memories and goes back to her childhood. I think everyone can relate to this, atlesat I hope so. I hope everyone has that special place in their mind that they can go to, a place that can make you warm on the coldest days and bring a smile to your face during the toughest of times. If you do not have this place yet, it's never too late! Memories, are by the way, created! So create your memories and caputure it forever!
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