Microsoft has good news for its Zune users and prospective buyers. The company just put out a software that would make it easier for Zune users to download songs and discover new music. The free software is considered as a way to compete with the Ipod's product lineup, and will allow Zune users to download music straight from their players "either over a home wireless network or through Wi-Fi hot spots at more than 9,800 McDonald's restaurants in the U.S., courtesy of Internet access provider Wayport (Long 2008)." Associated Press reported that new technological changes have allowed Zune players to store information on a lot of songs over the radio. This means that folks can listen to a song on the radio and directly download it to their players. The new software will also allow Zune users to get music recommendations from the Zune editorial staff and also share their play list with select friends.These improvements, however, won't stop Microsoft from tweaking their products more, as they also plan to introduce new software that would allow the Zune "new 'channels' feature that the software giant describes as a hybrid between a playlist and a podcast. (Long 2008)" Several radio stations and magazines are already placing their bets on this measure.
ORIGINAL ARTICLE: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nf/20080918/bs_nf/61964;_ylt=Au5UngRnexgkYsB3uiUjhWIN7YV4
PHOTO SOURCE: http://www.flickr.com/photos/yggg/299105788/
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